WEATHER UPDATE 10:30 AM on Jan 10: Due to a declared state of emergency in North Carolina for impending severe weather conditions, and out of concern for the safety of our audience and musicians, tonight's Bach & Mozart concert at Knight Theater is cancelled. Ticketholders for tonight’s concert will receive an email with ticket options.


Jinjoo Cho and Joshua Gersen Make Impressive Charlotte Symphony Debuts

Mar 25, 2022

By Perry Tannenbaum, CVNC -- 

While Christopher Warren-Green's tenure as music director at Charlotte Symphony winds down, as he transitions to the roles of conductor laureate and artistic adviser in seasons to come, the appearances of guest conductors at Belk Theater and Knight Theater are gaining an extra aura, an extra sparkle of excitement. For this stately parade of baton-wielders can now be construed as a prolonged set of auditions as audiences, Symphony execs, and orchestra musicians make up their minds on who should follow in Maestro Warren-Green's footsteps. Suddenly, everything going on behind the scenes at Symphony is freshly cloaked in intrigue. Was the absence of Kwamé Ryan, listed on our own calendar as guest conductor, a last-minute indication that he is fielding offers elsewhere and withdrawing from candidacy? Was his replacement, Joshua Gersen from the New York Phil and the New World Symphony, a hot new prospect for our upcoming vacancy, or was Symphony's substitution based on Gersen's availability and preparedness for the planned program? With Jinjoo Cho slated to play Samuel Barber's Violin Concerto as the headline piece, Gersen's readiness needed to be on par with the musicians' for that work, since they had presumably mastered their parts sufficiently to greet Cho and Gersen at rehearsals when they arrived.

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