WEATHER UPDATE 10:30 AM on Jan 10: Due to a declared state of emergency in North Carolina for impending severe weather conditions, and out of concern for the safety of our audience and musicians, tonight's Bach & Mozart concert at Knight Theater is cancelled. Ticketholders for tonight’s concert will receive an email with ticket options.


New Faces, New Rep, and High Decibels Wow an Enthusiastic Charlotte Symphony Audience

Feb 25, 2022

By Perry Tannenbaum, CVNC -- 

Theatre and music critics can be lulled into complacency mixed with boredom when called upon to review Shakespeare's As You Like It or Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker beyond the seventh time. So it's gladdening and stimulating to see how recent social, political, and public upheavals have affected local programming in the Queen City. Though it constantly calculates years ahead, Charlotte Symphony has not been the slowest to react and evolve. Not at all: in the past four weeks, I've been compelled to remember the names of new guest soloists and conductors and to read up on composers whose works I was hearing at Knight Theater and Belk Theater for the first time. When American composer John Corigliano is the best-known composer at a Charlotte Symphony program in the Belk, you know we've wandered off the beaten path.

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